Continuations, Baselines, Change in Scope, &
Supplemental Funding Grants
Heartland Solutions offers a variety of proposal development services to help your program meet its goals while ensuring that staff time and effort is managed effectively and efficiently. Writing grants to support your program, whether you are working on a continuation grant, baseline proposal or supplemental funding is more of a marathon than a sprint. Heartland has over 15 years of experience working with programs to implement a through proposal development process that offers time for review, revision and quality control to ensure you submit flawless, convincing grant proposals.
Proposal Development from Start to Finish
The Heartland approach is customized, collaborative, and through. As part of our comprehensive grant services, Heartland will lead your team through a process that includes proposal planning using a timeline and list of key tasks, appendix/attachment development, program design guidance, and budget development support. Heartland has an extensive library of resources and expertise that can elevate your grant proposals to the next level. Throughout the process, we communicate weekly using conference calls, virtual meetings, and even a site visit if needed. Heartland specializes in helping agencies fill gaps in their funding proposals so that they are ready for regional review and comment.
Grant Training and Technical Assistance
Heartland's grant training and technical assistance services include providing grant templates, quality checklists, criteria reviews, and guidance that can be used to ensure your grant is compliant with all funding requirements and reflects the goals of your organization and the quality of program services. Our process is designed to build your capacity to develop funding proposals on your own. Often, the one-time investment results in the growth of staff skills and knowledge of grant and proposal development practices. This option is great for programs seeking to develop grant templates that can be used time and time again for various proposals.
Grant Reviews & Consulting
Do you already have some capacity to write your grant internally or are you seeking to receive a second expert opinion that increases the likelihood your grant will be funded? Through this option, Heartland staff will engage in grant development planning meetings and then provide a comprehensive review of your content and feedback for each grant section to ensure your proposal reflects the grant instructions, criteria, and funding requirements. Heartland staff have years of experience on federal review panels and as grant reviewers across program agencies that will result in strong and comprehensive program proposals.
Conference Presentation Documents
Build Back Better Discussion Guide
Evaluating Your Community Assessment
Context Map
5 Bold Steps