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Kids with Capes

Head Start. Early Head Start. Recompetition.
EHS - Child Care Partnerships.
Continuations. Conversions & Other Federal Programs

Heartland has been supporting programs in developing strong Head Start and Early Head Start proposals since 2007. Our approach is comprehensive and includes budget development, writing the grant narrative, supporting the development of grant attachments, and assisting in the development of models to leverage a variety of funding sources. 


Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships Resources 

Head Start Continuation
Grant Resources 

Head Start and Early Head Start grants

Head Start proposals have changed over the last five years. Our grant development services support programs of all sizes in developing a full range of Head Start and Early Head Start grant applications from start-to-finish. Our approach utilizes our vast experience with Head Start funding and program operations to guide our clients through the proposal development process. In the end, Heartland is able to write a narrative that highlights the client’s commitment to Head Start, while demonstrating their capacity to provide high-quality services. At the foundation of our work is collaboration, communication, and partnership with our clients using virtual meeting tools, grant templates, and other resources to create a cohesive thoughtful proposal.

In truth, there is no magic formula for writing a successful Head Start recompetition proposal. However, based on the grant knowledge we have developed over 15 years of grant writing, our success in capturing recompetition grants we assisted with in each of the prior Head Start Recompetition competitions, and information gained during grant recompetition reviewer training Heartland has developed a list of key actions you can take to increase your grant score.

Heartland's recent work gets results! 

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223 Cattail Bay

Windsor CO 80550



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