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Early Head Start Expansion and
Child Care Partnerships
The Early Head Start Child Care Partnerships and Early Head Start expansion grants present an exciting opportunity to expand services to infants and toddlers. Heartland Solutions provides a range of services to help organizations successfully win grant funding. Beginning with project development through the post-award grant management and partnership building process, our professional grant writing and program implementation team will work collaboratively with your agency to understand your program goals and to develop and implement a competitive grant proposal.
Program Development
Grant Writing Resources
Both Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start Child Care Partnership applications require program development and decision-making. The Heartland program development tip sheets listed below for EHS-CCP and Expansion can help you choose the right and most competitive model for your program.
Every Early Head Start and Early Head Start program is different, but the grant scoring criteria is the same. Download these tip sheets to gain insight on how to respond to specific aspects of the funding opportunity announcement.
Partnership Resources
Early Head Start and childcare services are different. Often, the comprehensive service model is new to childcare providers. The tip sheets below can be used to help describe the Early Head Start program model to potential childcare partners and help your program determine the best role for each agency.
Is EHS-CCP Right
For My Program?
EHS-CCP Budget
Determining Childcare Provider and Grantee Roles
Lessons Learned from
EHS-CCP Funding Trends
Determining the Number of
Children Eligible for
EHS in Childcare Programs
Explaining Comprehensive Services to Childcare Providers
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