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Head Start Recompetition

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Key Strategies for Developing a
Winning Head Start Recompetition Grant

  1. Write clearly and address each element of the grant scoring criteria.

  2. Answer completely and create a detailed image for the reader.

  3. Use data to your advantage.

  4. Cross-reference and avoid duplication, but answer all parts of each scoring criteria.

  5. Create a complete appendix.

Click Below to Download
A Tip Sheet! 

Recompetition Grant Writing Tips

Recommendations from
Grantees in Recompetition


Communicating about the recompetition process is complex. However, it is important to manage the messaging and to stay abreast of the plans of other agencies in the community and the degree of support they have for your program. The Recompetition Communication Guide can help your program monitor and manage all facets of communication about your program's entry into the recompetition process. 

Click Below to Download
Recompetition Communication Plan Resources 

Communication Tips

Communication Plan Template

Candy Stripes

Pre-FOA Posting Resources  

Handling Competition for Your Grant

DRS Grant Review Process 

Pre FOA Checklist 

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